UPDATE. 2024-04-20 (토)
[INVEST] 컴투스, 마나코어·노바팩토리 인수…'방치형 RPG' 분야 포트폴리오 확장 / COTUS, Acquisition of Manacore Nova Factory ... Extending the Portfolio for Uninterrupted RPG
[INVEST] 컴투스, 마나코어·노바팩토리 인수…'방치형 RPG' 분야 포트폴리오 확장 / COTUS, Acquisition of Manacore Nova Factory ... Extending the Portfolio for Uninterrupted RPG
  • 윤영주 기자
  • 승인 2019.03.22 07:35
  • 댓글 0
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[사진 = 픽사베이 제공]
[사진 = 픽사베이 제공] 특정기사와 관련없음.


모바일 게임 기업 컴투스가 국내 유력 개발사 두 곳을 인수하며 방치형 RPG(역할수행게임) 분야로 게임 포트폴리오 확장에 나선다.

22일 M&A업계에 따르면 컴투스는 지난 19일 마나코어와 노바팩토리를 인수하고 경영권을 확보하는 계약을 체결했다. 마나코어와 노바팩토리는 특별한 조작 없이도 손쉬운 플레이가 가능한 방치형 게임 개발의 노하우와 경쟁력을 갖춘 기업이다. 양사는 방치형 RPG 분야의 게임도 개발해왔다.

마나코어는 지난해 방치형 RPG ‘드래곤스카이’를 국내 출시해 애플 앱스토어 매출 15위에 오른 바 있다. 노바팩토리는 다양한 캐릭터와 독특한 콘셉트의 디펜스 2D RPG ‘좀비여고’ 등을 통해 경쟁력 확보에 나서왔다. 양사 모두 향후 방치형 RPG 분야에 집중해 다양한 신작 라인업을 갖춰나갈 계획이다.

컴투스는 앞서 인수한 데이세븐의 자회사 트리플더블의 대표적인 방치형 RPG ‘열렙전사’, ‘딜딜딜’에 이어, ‘드래곤스카이’ 등 마나코어와 노바팩토리의 기발하고 개성 넘치는 신작 방치형 게임들도 확보하며 다양한 포트폴리오를 구축하게 됐다.
실제로 방치형 게임 장르는 반복적이고 번거로운 조작을 최소화하고 성장의 재미에 보다 집중할 수 있도록 해, 최근 많은 모바일 게임 유저들로부터 인기를 얻고 있다. 아울러 유명 IP(지식재산권)를 활용한 게임화도 용이해, 보다 효과적인 사업 확장 또한 기대되고 있다.


[INVEST] COTUS, Acquisition of Manacore Nova Factory ... Extending the Portfolio for Uninterrupted RPG


[사진 = 픽사베이 제공]
[사진 = 픽사베이 제공]


Comtus, a mobile game company, is planning to expand its gaming portfolio into an uninterrupted RPG by acquiring two leading Korean developers.

According to the M&A industry on the 22nd, Comtus signed a contract to acquire Manacore and Nova Factory on the 19th and secure management rights.

Manacore and Nova Factory are companies with the know-how and competitive edge in developing unattended games that are easy to play without requiring special manipulation.

The two companies have also developed games in the field of make-oriented RPG.

ManaCore released its neglected RPG " Dragon Sky " in Korea last year and ranked 15th in sales at Apple's App Store.

Nova Factory has been strengthening its competitiveness through various characters and unique concept defense 2D RPG, zombie girl. Both companies are planning to focus on the field of neglected RPG and develop a variety of new lineup.

Comtus is an innovative addition to Day-7's flagship triple double company, " Thurepreb Warrior " and " Dildidil, " which has been acquired by Manacore and Nova Factory In fact, the genre has recently become popular with many mobile game users, minimizing repetitive and cumbersome manipulation and allowing them to focus more on the fun of growth

In addition, it is expected to expand its business more effectively as it is easier to make games using well-known IP (Intellectual Property).

With the new IP games that Comtus acquired and the new IP games of Day-7, the new business of animation, and the new platform for creating a diverse range of new IPs, together with Sky Bound, a leading producer in the U.S.

" We have continued to seek strategic investments to enhance corporate competitiveness and generate results one by one, " said an official from Comtus. " We are actively investing in future values and investment in the future.

The industry sees Comtus ' latest M&As as a strategic move to improve its profit structure.

Comtus ' annual sales amounted to 481.8 billion won last year, with overseas sales accounting for 84 percent (405.6 billion won). According to estimates by securities firms, Summanners Wars, the flagship Cassical`s Cassical`s revenue abroad stands at 365.5 billion won, accounting for more than 75 percent of its total sales.

However because it has been five years since its release, it is urgent to secure a new profit model. A representative for M&A industry said that Comtus had been very solid despite slump of game industry, but that it is a situation where it is possible to make new investments and others that are newly introduced in order to increase sales.



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