UPDATE. 2024-04-26 (금)
[Focus] 中企 10곳 중 9곳 “하반기 투자확대·신사업진출 없다”/ Nine out of 10 small and medium-sized companies said, "There will be no expansion of investment and no new business in the second half of this year."
[Focus] 中企 10곳 중 9곳 “하반기 투자확대·신사업진출 없다”/ Nine out of 10 small and medium-sized companies said, "There will be no expansion of investment and no new business in the second half of this year."
  • 박가희 기자
  • 승인 2019.06.24 10:45
  • 댓글 0
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중소기업 10곳 중 9곳은 올해 하반기 투자 확대 및 신사업 진출 계획이 없는 것으로 조사됐다.

중소기업중앙회(회장 김기문)가 6월 3일부터 10일까지 중소기업 500개사를 대상으로 시행한 '중소기업 경영애로 및 하반기 경영전략 조사' 결과, 86.4%의 기업은 하반기 경영전략으로 단순히 내실을 다지거나(60.2%), 사업축소 등 생존우선(26.2%) 전략을 생각하고 있는 것으로 조사됐다.

또한 투자확대(5.6%), 신사업·신기술 도입(8.0%)을 계획중인 기업은 13.6%에 불과, 중소기업 10곳 중 9곳이 하반기 투자확대·신사업 진출계획이 없어 향후 성장잠재력의 악화가 우려되는 것으로 분석됐다. 이러한 보수적인 경영전략에는 하반기 경기전망에 대한 부정적인 인식이 영향을 미친 것으로 분석된다.


이번 조사에서 중소기업의 51.2%는 상반기 대비 하반기 경영상황이 더 어려워질 것이라고 응답해 호전될 것이라는 응답(11.0%) 보다  4.6배 더 높게 나타나 부정적 경기전망이 우세했다.

하반기 경기전망을 세부적으로 살펴보면 ▲매출 ▲영업이익 ▲자금조달 등 경영활동 측면에서는 “악화” 응답이 가장 높게 조사(각각 49.2%, 48.8%, 45.8%)되어 총체적인 경영악화를 나타낸 반면, ▲인력채용 ▲설비투자 ▲기술개발 등 사업 확장 측면에서는 “보통” 응답이 가장 높게 조사(각각 62.6%, 73.0%, 73.4%)되어 소극적인 기업심리를 드러났다.

향후 경영에 실질적인 위협이 될 사안을 구체적으로 조사해본 결과, 51.6%의 기업이 최저임금 급등 영향으로 인한 위험을 느낀다고 응답하였고, 근로시간 단축에 대한 위험도 38.4%의 응답률을 보여 노동관련 이슈가 중소기업에 가장 큰 위협으로 다가오는 것으로 조사됐다.


하반기에 예상되는 주된 애로요인의 경우 ‘내수부진(경기침체)’(68.4%)이 가장 큰 애로요인으로 나타났으며, 다음으로 ▲인건비 상승(50.7%), ▲매출 감소(41.5%), ▲업체 간 과당경쟁(30.3%) 순으로, 인건비 상승 등 비용부담이 증가하는 동시에 내수부진에 따라 매출이 감소하는 경기침체 국면이 하반기에도 지속될 것으로 예상하고 있는 것으로 보인다.


[Focsu] Nine out of 10 small and medium-sized companies said, "There will be no expansion of investment and no new business in the second half of this year."



Nine out of 10 SMEs have no plans to expand investment and enter new businesses in the second half of this year, the survey showed.

According to a survey conducted by the Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business (Chairman Kim Ki-moon) on 500 small and medium-sized companies from June 3 to 10, 86.4 percent of companies are thinking of simply strengthening their internal structure as their management strategy in the second half (60.2 percent), and survival-first strategies such as downsizing their businesses (26.2 percent).

In addition, only 13.6 percent of companies plan to expand investment (5.6 percent), introduce new business and new technologies (8.0 percent), and nine out of 10 small and medium-sized companies do not plan to expand investment or enter new businesses in the second half, which is feared to worsen their growth potential in the future. Such a conservative management strategy is analyzed to have affected the negative perception of the second-half economic outlook.

In the survey, 51.2 percent of SMEs said their business conditions would get tougher in the second half compared to the first half, 4.6 times higher than 11.0 percent who said they would improve, giving them a strong outlook.

Looking at the economic outlook for the second half in detail, the survey showed that "bad" responses (49.2%, 48.8% and 45.8% respectively) were the highest in terms of management activities, while "ordinary" responses were the highest in terms of expanding businesses such as human resources recruitment, facility investment and technology development, which is 62.6% and 73.4% respectively.

According to a detailed survey of the issues that would pose a real threat to management in the future, 51.6 percent of the companies said they felt the risk from the effects of the steep minimum wage, and 38.4 percent answered the risk of shorter working hours, indicating that labor-related issues came as the biggest threat to small businesses.

In the case of the main causes of the economic downturn expected in the second half, "insufficient domestic consumption" (68.4 percent) was the biggest cause of the problem, followed by "increase in human health costs (50.7 percent), "decrease in sales (41.5 percent), "over-party competition among companies (30.3 percent), and "we expect the economic recession to continue in the second half of the year due to weak domestic consumption."

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